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Introduction to Brake Pads

Brake pads are a vital component of a car as they help the car during braking. Brake pads are usually hidden near the car's wheels. The task of car brake pads is also divided into two types of brakes.

First, using the drum brake system, brake pads are located in brake shoes. In drum brakes, when the brake pedal is pressed, the pads press out. So that the pads open wide, then rub against the drum housing. This friction helps the car to stop.

The second is using the disc brake system. In this system, the pads press against the disc rotor to provide friction. This friction makes the car stop or brake on cars or motorcycles.

Components of a disc brake

Brake pads have an important function for vehicles such as facilitating braking or stopping a car that can avoid dangerous incidents. In other words, brake pads can ensure the safety of drivers while driving. Car brake pads will press the disc brake and make the car's tires slow down gradually. But if pressed fully, the car's brake pads will make the tires stop completely. This friction often makes the pads thin, and it is important to replace them when needed for comfort and driving safety.

Next is to facilitate tire lane control because when the driver wants to turn, the brake pads can help adjust the lane on the wheel when braking so that the car can be fully controlled. Brake pads also function to assist vehicles on extreme roads such as steep slopes or uphill roads. This function helps to hold the vehicle so that it does not lose control when there are other vehicles on the road.

Brake pads have a vital function for the operation of vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, or trucks and can secure the driver and passengers. Therefore, it is important to replace the brake pads when they are thin to avoid unwanted incidents.


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